World Tuna Day takes place each year on May 2nd, this year the MSC announced that they predict an increase in the volume of MSC tuna sales. For the 2021/2022 period tuna sales are predicted to be 5 times that of five years ago. As stated in the article, the MSC sees this increase as a sign that tuna fisheries are making changes in the way they are fishing. The MSC also admits that harvest control rules (HCR) continue to be a challenge at RFMOs, in particular for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) fisheries, where 50% of global tuna is caught. These 22 fisheries risk having their certifications suspended if HCR are not adopted.
Our thoughts: This further highlights the importance of the MSC getting the Standard right during this Fishery Standard Review. If the predicted increase in certified tuna is going to have any positive effect, such fisheries must be certified against a Standard which actually drives real improvement on the water, otherwise we risk overexploitation and waste of marine life in these fisheries, all the while having consumers believe they are purchasing a sustainable option.