How committed are grocers to selling responsibly sourced seafood?

//How committed are grocers to selling responsibly sourced seafood?

How committed are grocers to selling responsibly sourced seafood?

SeaChoice, March 14, 2024.

This report assesses the commitment of grocery stores to selling responsibly sourced seafood, revealing discrepancies between their public commitments and actual practices. While many grocers have sustainability policies, they often exempt significant categories of seafood from these policies, such as national brand products. Despite their influence as major buyers, grocers often fail to use their power to ensure sustainable sourcing from their suppliers. Moreover, the reliance on certifications like the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is questioned due to limitations and allegations of overlooking human rights abuses in supply chains. Although grocers have human rights policies, their reliance on third-party social audits for verification may not effectively address forced labor issues. The report emphasizes the need for grocers to take proactive steps to improve global fishing and farming practices, including thorough investigations of their supply chains beyond certifications.

2024-06-06T09:09:46+00:00March 14th, 2024|Categories: Allgemein|