October 2018
NGOs, retailers urge MSC to face shark finning issues in PNA re-certified fishery | Undercurrent News
The director of the marine animal program at the Animal Welfare Institute said that 'shark finning is unfortunately still happening in the recently re-certified PNA fishery' www.undercurrentnews.com
Shark Stewards Protests MSC recertification of Tuna Fishery Despite Shark Finning – Shark Stewards
Shark Stewards is proud to be one of the 45 Non Government Organizations (NGOs) from around the world that work on issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, sent a letter last Monday to the Marine [...]
NGOs adverse MSC Sustainable Fisheries Certification granted to Western and Central Pacific Tuna Fishery.
CREMA Fishery obtained recertification in spite of clear evidence of shark finning. 45 Non Government Organizations (NGOs) from around the world that work on issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, sent a letter last Monday [...]
MSC-Siegel dringend reformbedürftig Bekanntes Fischerei-Siegel greift beim Schutz der Meeresumwelt zu kurz
NABU Die Kriterien des MSC-Siegels greifen beim Schutz von bedrohten marinen Arten und Lebensräumen sowie bei den sozialen Standards für Schiffsbesatzungen zu kurz. Auch bestehen berechtigte Zweifel an der Transparenz und Unabhängigkeit der Zertifizierung. Das Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) wurde [...]
August 2018
MSC hat rote Linien des Naturschutzes überschritten
Das Seefisch-Gütesiegel MSC ist in Verruf geraten. Nötig ist eine grundlegende Reform, fordert Gastautor Kim Cornelius Detloff. https://www.weser-kurier.de/deutschland-welt/deutschland-welt-politik_artikel,-msc-hat-rote-linien-des-naturschutzes-ueberschritten-_arid,1758343.html
SPAR Holding Sustainability Report 2017
SPAR Holding Sustainability Report 2017 Criticism of MSC certification The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has been significantly initiated by Unilever and WWF to improve marine fish catching. The seal is currently under criticism from international environmental organizations calling for significant [...]
July 2018
Are sustainability certification schemes fit for purpose?
Two recent reports point to major failings in schemes such as the Marine Stewardship Council and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. Angeli Mehta dives deep to assess the claims and counter-claims in seafood certification [...] http://ethicalcorp.com/are-sustainability-certification-schemes-fit-purpose
May 2018
New poll shows dent in consumer confidence in MSC
Results of a new poll commissioned by the Make Stewardship Count coalition, released at Seafood Expo Global in Brussels, Belgium, on 25 April, have given the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) cause for concern. [...] https://www.seafoodsource.com/features/new-poll-shows-dent-in-consumer-confidence-in-msc
MSC faces ‘credibility challenge’ among consumers
The Grocer Kevin White The NGO faced mounting pressure over how it manages its certification scheme in recent months. Read more